Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Line Project (TRTP) Segment 7, 8, and 500-kV Chino Hills Underground Restoration Project

Photo by Luke Tiller

Photo by Luke Tiller

AECOM, Southern California Edison

San Bernardino County, California

Project Highlights

  • Coastal California Gnatcatcher Surveys
  • Least Bell’s Vireo Surveys
  • Nesting Bird Surveys
  • Restoration Monitoring

Artemis Environmental, together with ACS Habitat Management and Gothic Landscape, have teamed up with AECOM to take on the habitat restoration of Segments 7, 8, and the 500-kV Chino Hills Underground, of the Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP). Artemis Environmental leads the avian monitoring and reporting for the 3-year effort, which includes 80 restoration sites covering nearly 60 acres. Artemis Environmental biologists and teaming partners routinely survey sites within critical habitat for the federally-listed threatened California gnatcatcher and the federally-endangered Least Bell’s vireo. Biologists also document and create buffers for all other avian species at the restoration sites and provide full-time biological monitoring during work activities.