2021 was a really big year for Artemis in so many ways, but most notably with the addition of five new staff members! We were thrilled to have Stephanie Lohstroh join our team early in the year as an Artemis Project Controller, Project Manager, and Senior Stormwater Specialist. With her reflective personality and incredible resume and skillset, she adds so much to the Artemis team! With the addition of Monica Tydlaska, Artemis now has a full-time GIS Specialist. Monica dove in headfirst with taking on tough assignments, most notably those that include learning and managing data in the SCE schema, which is no easy feat! Finally, we also have three new associate biologists: Kyle Gunther, Olivia Arredondo, and Natasha Rodriguez. Kyle, no doubt, is our all-around field biologist and Natasha has excelled in the office most notably with desktop analyses and assisting with reports. Olivia seamlessly transitions between the two and keeps us laughing while doing it!
In addition to adding new staff, we were so excited to celebrate Artemis’ 5-year anniversary this year as well! To celebrate, Julie treated the team to a summer Padres game, and (sorry Julie!) the Padres beat the Cubs to make it a great night. If you missed our anniversary post, it is still on our website under the News page. In 2021, Artemis garnered four new clients and nearly 20 new projects! We also began working with many new teaming partners that have made a big impact and have continued our working relationship with some of the most amazing biologists in southern California! We are always so immensely grateful for our teaming partners and the work they do for Artemis. As for Julie, Jasmine, and Tara, we are loving the new help on the team and the continued flexibility afforded by Artemis and our health and wellness, family-forward focus.
From all of us at Artemis, thank you for your support this year, and we wish you and yours a safe, healthy, and joyful holiday season!
The Artemis Team

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