Happy 5-Year Anniversary to Artemis Environmental!

Background vegetation

“There is no way around the hard work. Embrace it. You have to put in the hours because there is always something you can improve. You have to put in a lot of sacrifice and effort for sometimes little reward, but you have to know that, if you put in the right effort, the reward will come.” – Roger Federer

Much like her absolute favorite sports athlete, Roger Federer, the Founder and President of Artemis Environmental Services, Julie Ogilvie, isn’t afraid of the hard work. Five years ago in July, Julie was determined to create something that fostered her independence, and she would have the ability to make her own decisions. She wanted to build something that was family and woman-focused, even as it related to her approach with clients, projects, and tasks; and she wanted to create a company where her staff would truly enjoy working with the team she methodically developed, enjoying the work they do and loving both the projects and clients. Building a business that keeps busy moms and flexibility in mind is not easy, but with Julie’s impressive skill set and smarts, her fearlessness and determination, and her absolute willingness to put in the hard work and sacrifices, Julie has grown Artemis from a one-woman shop with a handful of projects and teaming partners in 2016, to a group of nine in-house employees, a bench of more than thirty variable part-time staff, and an impressive suite of large-scale, complicated projects in just five short years.

Julie hit the ground running by quickly obtaining the various small business certifications needed to market Artemis as a firm that can provide the credits needed for the larger Prime contracts. But just having the certifications was not enough, it took a lot of “boots on the ground” meetings, phone calls, and lunches to all of her contacts throughout the industry to let everyone know about Artemis and her balanced approach to supporting projects. And finally, after five months Artemis supported its first contract in October 2016 with AECOM and right out of the gate, Artemis was a “little firm supporting the big projects”, including the Southern California Edison Devers – Colorado River #1 500‐kV Transmission Line Rating and Remediation (TLRR) Project and the Eagle Mountain-Blythe 161-kV TLRR Project.

Artemis’ success today can also be attributed to Julie’s husband, Aaron, who deserves a special shout-out as he offered so much support to Julie while she was just starting Artemis. Also invaluable to the company that Artemis is today are its amazing employees. Jasmine and Tara joined the team in 2019 and Chelita joined shortly afterward in early 2020. Between the four of them, in just one short year they were able to bring in enough work and completed so many projects with such high-quality and attention to detail, that by the time early 2021 rolled around, the need for five additional employees came quickly calling. All of the Artemis employees have brought and continue to bring so much to the company, whether it is through their skill set, fresh ideas, or fun personalities. Artemis continues to organically grow and thrive everyday while still maintaining the missions Julie set out with: to provide a high-quality work product to our clients and projects with a feminine flair and flexibility in mind.

Julie Ogilvie 2021

It has been amazing to see the growth of Artemis as a company over these past five years, from working for Julie at first as an independent contractor in 2016 and now as a full-time employee, and I am extremely proud to be a part of it.” – Tara Baxter

It feels very empowering to collaborate with a small team who values each of our individual talents and ideas on how best to promote our overall success. I am proud of our team’s attention to details and all of the big work that our small business has accomplished together. We care about our work and strive to add value to any project we collaborate on. It is apparent how hard Julie has worked sowing the fields to nurture Artemis’ growth and foundation of success.” – Jasmine Bakker

Working for Artemis has been an extraordinary learning experience. It is truly special to witness each other’s strengths and weakness’ and seeing how we come together as a Team to lift each other up and support each other through all the growing pains. Julie is flexible and family forward and cares deeply about our personal wellbeing as much as our career development. She has given us the space and resources to start creating our own avenues within Artemis. I am personally thankful that Julie took a chance on me; with some, but not extensive knowledge in permitting, she chose to take me under her wing and teach me the ropes! To me, that is courageous, and I appreciate the risk. I am looking forward to continuing to help Artemis grow and become the most well-rounded version of itself! Congratulations Julie, you deserve it!  We are cheering loud for you!” – Chelita Borbon

Artemis team members

“Artemis has provided an environment of growth and support. In the few months I have worked here, I have learned so much and gained new experiences I never thought I would have. The most impactful of these experiences has been conducting surveys in the Mojave National Preserve. As someone with mostly freshwater ecology experience, the desert was something I had never experienced before and was far (I mean FAR) from my comfort zone. With that being said, the payoff was more than I could have ever dreamed; I was able to see beautiful flowers growing from cacti as well as some amazing wildlife. I almost cried the first time I saw a desert tortoise in person! I am proud to be a biologist for Artemis and am excited for whatever the future may bring.” – Olivia Arredondo

“Working for Artemins means being a part of a friendly, positive work-culture which enables us to perform at our best. I think our healthy work dynamic is reflected in our relationships with our clients and the environment. Julie and her small team clearly have large goals, and their determination, work ethic and experience have them positioned to accomplish whatever they set their sights on — I am excited to be a part of that growth. On a personal level, working for Julie is a pleasure. She is adamant about creating a friendly, positive work environment and has done just that. Honestly, I often forget she is the President of the company due to her approachability and kind demeanor! It makes me smile when she worries about me in the field like I am one of her own kids.” – Kyle Gunther

“I am immensely grateful to be working at Artemis! The variety of projects ensure there is constant growth, learning, and opportunity, but I am most proud of the culture Julie has cultivated here. The team here is efficient, excels at effective communication and collaboration, everyone is willing to help anyone with anything, and everyone understands the need for work-life balance. The camaraderie is refreshing, and Julie encourages everyone to do and be their best by example. Julie is a phenomenal leader because she is empathetic, ambitious, genuine, and grateful. I feel very fortunate to be working for Julie at Artemis!” – Natasha Rodriguez   

“Working at Artemis over the past few months has been a great experience and a positive step in my career journey. Julie has thoughtfully built a company that is not only dedicated to clients and delivering top-notch services and work products, but also deeply committed to the professional growth and personal well-being of its employees. Within her company, she continues to develop a culture based on inclusion, compassion, and collaboration, and she supports her team in working toward their professional passions. I admire Julie for her authenticity, drive, and quiet intellect. Happy Birthday Artemis and congratulations Julie on all your achievements! Artemis is a company to be very proud of!” – Stephanie Lohstroh

Artemis team members
Artemis Team members